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I guess the list is for the USA, right? I'm not sure if you can list ToS, the game is not released in Japan yet and such games usually take a year until they come to the west.

The list is not fantastic and there are not much more third party exclusives (that could turn out to be great games) then there were on the Cube.

But there are two things to keep in mind:
There are only three EAD games on the list (Wii Music and Wii Fit, both should not keep too many people busy, and Mario Kart which will soon be released) which means that they probably have more in store. Guesses are Pikmin, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Wave Race or something in this direction. There is no Intelligent Systems title on the list (but they are working on two DS titles, Fire Emblem and Advance Wars, don't know how big their capacities are) and there is no Retro title on the list. This means we can expect a couple more games from Nintendo themselves.

Second, the third parties list is not too impressive compared to the Cube lifetime, but it seems that the titles are coming earlier.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)