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jarrod said:
Soriku said:
Xoj said:
jarrod said:
Xoj said:

and DQ only sells in japan. FF and KH sell worldwide.

People need to stop spreading this disinformation.  DQ8 in America and Europe sold about as well as KH2 did in Japan and Europe.  Both series are lopsidedly weighted towards just one region (DQ in Japan, KH in America), which is something SE's taken issue with and wants to reverse.

FF is really SE's only series with huge worldwide appeal, but it's about half as popular as DQ in Japan, and slightly less popular than KH in America.

what? have u seen dragon quest sales?

it sold nothing, compared to FF in the west.


He was comparing DQ to KH not to FF...

Yeah this.  You can't legitimately call Kingdom Hearts a worldwide seller, and then claim otherwise for Dragon Quest.  I'd also say VGC is undertracking DQ8 in Europe, it's shipped 1.2m there.

First Shipped != Sold.

no DQ characters on KH, therei s no relation between the two series

i dont see how DQ is similar to KH, neither sales

kh have roots in final fantasy, and enviroments and setting in disney worlds.

and character design by tetsuya nomura (you know the main guy of the FF series), main story.

KH sold better than DQ 8 in the west, only but a few, but it did, enough to counter huge DQ japan numbers.

DQ only sells alot in japan not a lot in the west actually sells like any other RPG that isn't FF and anyone who follows the game knows this.

both games are practically extremes of the JRPG-

even if DQ X hit in japan (in around 2 years), PS3 japanese and western install base + 360 (if multiplatform will be much bigger).

not only that, FF 13 Versus which is made by the KH Team would be already be released, with only main diffence with KH series its the  characters setting and story.

and even like that tales of grace was outsold by tales of vesperia ps3, even being a OLD port.