HD id a consequence of higher CPU/GPU Power. Its not a special functionality. Pcs were HD 10 years ago.
So why should Nintendo release a console which is not significantly stronger ? Nintendo would never need an upgrade again if they dont want to include HD in their next console. Everything else can be done with the WII too. With higher processing power the Console will be automatically able to display HD.
Nintendo would have to block the HD in the Console to not have automatically HD with WII2. the next Wii will have the power even with dated processors. It has nothing to dow ith costs anymore. Nintendo would have to make an HD Console without an HD output to make sure the Console cant display higher resolution. But I cant see the sense in such a decision.
If they make the Wii2 just twotimes as powerful as the WII they could launch the console at 99 Dollar in 2 years and still make profit with it. I can even imagine that in 2-3 years they will be forced to use chips which are so strong that HD will be there automatically. They would be the only one with extremly weak chips I could even imagine a Non HD console will be even more expensive then a HD Console in 2-3 years. The same reason 20gb HDDs are more expensive then 80Gb HDDs. The cheap PCs where build with old stock parts but they dont produce them anymore.
But Nintendo would need Millions of old chips. Even if the people dont want HD they have to buy it. CRT TVs are almost non existant. I havent seen one for ages in a shop. HD or not HD is almost not an option anymore.
Everybody has to buy HD stuff thats just the new Tv standard. If a company would build an VHS recorder today this recorder would probably cost 1000 Dollar or more. because there is no infrastructure you need customized parts and a DVD Player needs cheaper parts a VHS Player has pretty expensive electronic in it. But as DVD released it was trhee times as expensive as a VHS Recorder. Today its probably 10times cheaper. The new technology is only expensive on he beginning because there is no infrastructure for the products but as soon as the Companys change the machines and produce big amounts of something it is dirt cheap. Thats why old computer parts are sold at a high price. 1 gb SDRAM is more then 1Gb DDR Ram because it is rare and cant be manufactured again. Ofcourse Nintendo could build a Console with Netbook technology. But what exactly would be the benefit ? The price advantage will be nul.