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huaxiong90 said:
jarrod said:
huaxiong90 said:
jarrod said:
RageBot said:
jarrod said:
Carl2291 said:
jarrod said:
Carl2291 said:
jarrod said:
Carl2291 said:
Well, one will likely be revealed when KH BBS releases.

KH3 PS3 exclusive?

Oh, and almost forgot... Teh remake!

KH's biggest market (by a HUGE margin) is America.  If KH3 is HD, there's no way it won't be multiplatform (PS3+360).  


The same could then be said of any exclusive 3rd party PS3 game. Just because the other consoles have larger sales(WW or region) doesn't necessarily mean that they have to have the game.

There could be a deal/contract with Sony to produce the 3 main games on Sony platforms. And with Nomura directing, we know his preferable platforms are Sony platforms...

Er, exactly how many western focused PS3 exclusives have come out of Japan?  Much less multimillion selling exclusives that move 50%+ of their sales in the US alone?  I honestly can't think of anything comparable to what a PS3 only KH3 would be?

Also, I seriously doubt any pre-existing Sony deals, and FFXIII's already proven how well those hold anyway.  With Disney looming over their shoulder, seems doubly unlikely...

So? The point still stands. Just because the PS3 isn't the top seller in NA doesn't mean it can't have exclusives that go well with that market. And as it has been shown, SE's current ventures on the 360 haven't been exactly the best sellers, in Japan or America.

You can doubt them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist (it doesn't mean they do either... but there is a chance).

And as for Disney... They have a pretty good partnership with Sony. Be it ranging from Hannah Montana PSP bundles to Pirates DLC for LBP.

Well no, the point doesn't still stand.  No major JP games which are western focused have been PS3 exclusive.  And Square Enix specifically is moving more and more towards multiplatform development.  And there's no even hint of any Sony deals in place for the KH series.  All things considered, KH3 actually ending up PS3 exclusive seems like one of the least likely options for the game.  The only platform selection less likely imo is 360 exclusive.

And if you really want to bring Disney into it, why isn't Epic Mickey a PS3 exclusive then?  Hell, why isn't it on PS3 at all?

What about MGS4?

MGS4 got the near ultimate moneyhat and has been in development since before the gen even started.  And the next HD MGS has still gone multiplatform.

It is a good example though, and it did slip my mind.  I don't think Sony's going to pony up like that again for KH3 though, when they didn't for FFXIII.

If they could moneyhat Konami for MGS4 exclusivity, then how come they didn't do the same for other franchises?

Well, they're kind of losing megatons of cash constantly... maybe they couldn't afford it or justify the loss needed?

They already were losing cash at the time, and I think they'd know better than to get into a bid war with M$. There's more to it than just pure moneyhatting. From what I hear, one reason to keep it exclusive is because porting costs were too high. Another being that Kojima probably designed the engine strictly for PS3 hardware. The first reason would make sense in this regard.


At the end of the day, it's all theories at this point.

Yeah, I don't doubt conversion issues being a factor.  PS3 to 360 ports are supposed to be easier than the reverse though.  And really, I find it hard to believe the costs of porting wouldn't have been made back by a 360 release, it'd probably have done at least a million worldwide (so long as it didn't launch directly against Splinter Cell).  Maybe they didn't want to use the manpower for it though, and after MGS2S/TTS, I wouldn't blame Kojima if he didn't want to outsource.

It's all conjecture really, but it's fun to guess at.