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ChrisIsNotSexy said:
360 version does look better

It's not, all 3 screenshots are taken @ different moments!!

Comparisons are often very bad.
The 1st screenshot has 2 different signs (360 version is changing) on the left, but the green/yellow neon sign on the right is definitely better looking on the PS3-version.
The 2nd screenshot looks better on the 360-version (look at the textures of the soldier's clothes!), but if you look at the soldier's mouth (tongue + teeth) you can see these screenshots are also taken at different times.
The 3rd screenshot is really terrible, everyone knows alarm-lights change color. These are also taken at different times.
The bad thing about these comparisons is that if the people posting/making these didn't put enough effort in it, they are worthless.
With a difference of 1 second you can make one screenshot look better or worse then the other.

Therefore I laugh at all the dumb people thinking and/or claiming that one of these games is better (looking) then the other just by looking at a bad comparison.

A difference of 1 second and the lighting/texture/sharpness etc. etc. could be different. Try to understand this before posting.