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getsallad said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
getsallad said:

The only way to objectively determine the quality of a game is to judge by its popularity, i.e. it's sales.

That's completely wrong.  You are not accounting for such things as region differences, media influences, genre differences, etc.  Just because a game such as Drago nQuest isn't popular or well marketed in America and only sells 10,000 units, doesn't mean its comparatively 100 times worse than a Final Fantasy game just because it sold 100 times worse.  Especially since it sold BETTER in another region (Japan).

Likewise, a game such as Mass Effect or Fallout 3 would be deemed better at face value by your example, but only in America.  In other regions, such as Europe or Japan, it would have mixed results, as it didn't sell as well as other RPGs or do as well as it did in America.

In other words, your statement is completely watered down and doesn't work.  Sales are only a part of how you measure a games popularity.

Please read the posts I made shortly after that one as well, before you go off on some stupid rant about how wrong I am, when I actually agree with you.

Man, do people here look for posts that are easy to disagree with and then completely ignore everything else?

My post was directed at the multiple walls of text trying to argue why FF VII was objectively bad, bringing in lots of subjective points. I tried to explain that it is actually impossible to quantify a game's quality objectively, since the closest you get is popularity, which is derived from sales.

Anyone else wanna completely miss the point and take a jab at trying to convince me at something of which I'm already certain?

I mostly just respond like I did to people who generalize or try to boil arguments down to absolute statements.  And that's what your comment sounded like.  The rest of your post above sounded like you were trying to chastise someone for having an opinion while not providing solid facts for why FFVII was bad.  But that's just it, its always going to be someones 'opinion' if a game is bad or not.  Which goes back to my pointing oit that the end of your post seemed to hit on you watering your point down into a generalization.  And frankly, your end point didn't seem to make any sense in connection to the rest of your post, unless you're trying to defend FFVII by saying what you did.  And as I pointed out, sales is only one part of measuring a games popularity.

Six upcoming games you should look into: