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Anybody who thinks that those 3 games won't turn the tide for SONY and it's PS3 must be a fucking fool. First off what did Halo 3 do for the 360, it gave it tremondous momentum going into Christmas but it wasn't a "nuke" as i like to call it. It only had a major impact in America, thats it. Last week the 360 beat the PS3 by 1500 consoles, and now that it's biggest "bomb" has gone, it hasn't got shit for next year.

MGS4 will sell everywhere, JAPAN, AMERICA and EUROPE. More than Halo 3. All it has to do is sell 2 million copies in Japan ( NO PROBLEM ), 1.5 million in Europe, and 1.5 million in America. By that time in MID 2008 the install base should be above 10 million, easy. If it does this at minium it is classed as a WORLD WIDE NUKE selling PS3 like an absolute bitch and kicking the shit out of HALO 3.

Gran Turismo is another WORLD WIDE NUKE, especially in Europe and Japan. It won't sell as much as Halo but it will come damn close and i mean damn close. It will sell PS3.

 Final Fantasy is a "bomb" but it is a bomb like Halo except for Japan. It will sell PS3 like Ipods.

Don't get me wrong 360 has good games and so does the Wii, but Sony's libary of games just shits of anything else. It has been proven by the PS1 and the PS2 for about 14-15 years. 245 millon people have bought a PLAYSTATION BRAND. For 15 years they have played the all these major titles, what makes you think that these games wont make them by a PS3.

 The 360 has had a 1 year start and it can barely beat the PS3 week in week out, that is how strong the PS3 is, Microsoft has good games but the orignal Xbox sold 25 million, PS2 125 million. Who do you think the majority of the people are going to go the Wii will attract new gamers, 360 will attract the same gamers and so will the PS3.

I guarantee that by 2012 PS3 will be 1st, Wii 2nd and 360 3rd.

The PS3 isnt going to stay $499 forever and the Wii isn't going to be free when they balance out it's over.


Dont worry wii owners and 360 owners, lost tears has put his cape on and is to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Ps3 is catching up, its under the effect of a new model, how will the sales appear after all the hype dies down? we wont know because the holiday season is approaching. Also games like Lo are considered "nukes" for the console in japan, i can gurentee it will raise sales for 360, not big time but should help it sell considerably more in Japan. Also games like Gears of war 2, fable 2 can easily be considered system sellers. Also i shouldnt have to say a word for the wii, all i need to say is......SSBB and every franchise it has whoops the crap out of sony. We saw what good games did on the gamecube and n64, it didnt save the console. Mainstream chooses a console where all there friends play. Its now or never.

2. More then halo 3? YOur stating that this game will have ABOVE 50% attachment rate????????????????

???? the only games i see outselling halo 3 are galaxy and brawl and it will take a long time for that to happen (maybe not brawl) cause as long as wii sells people are bound to pick them up.

Install base of 10 million mid july next year will put it RIGHT where the 360 is, which means its NOT gaining the momentum it suddenly needs to beat them.

Sorry mgs4 is a good game (not my type but still) but to put it above halos hype is beyond me. Ive yet to hear of MGS4 dew.

3 GT5 is next years top seller, not MGS4 in all regions should help, but i dont know when you should expect this game it will most likely be delayed.

4 Yes in japan it is, but FF will finally arrive almost 2 years into the ps3's life, making it so the 360 has maybe another 2-3 years of life itself. It may just arrive to late, specially if its delayed.

 5. Think about the n64 owners and gamecube. NES and SNES dominated. Yet suddenly everyone went to the ps1. Why who knows its just what consumers want. You CANNOT state that everyone supports sony brand just because everyone bought a ps2, me and numourous friends only possessed a ps2 and nothing else because it came out first and had all the games. As we have stated most of those games are going multiplatoform now.

O btw you cannot state that 245 million people have bought a playstation, a HUGE chuck of those people that bought ps2 were ps1 owners your logic is flawed.

6??????? You mean shows how strong the 360 is. The 360 is two years into its life, yet its withstanding the so called "sony" brand after having the ps3 having TWO price cuts and a NEW sku. 360 in its two years only had a maximum 50 dollar price cut and a 30 dollar price cut on its minium. Huge difference yet its still winning.


the wii will ALWAYS be signifcantly cheaper then the ps3, its the way things are.

BTW the absolutley INSANE line of people waiting to pick up a wii outside EVERY ELECTRONIC STORE would beg to differ. Im in a small town, but this little electronic store has a waiting list of 110 PEOPLE for a wii. Thats insane and ive never EVER heard of that. I can only imagine how the big stores are handing their wii shortage.

360 it might beat out, but its either now or never.



                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.