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You're basically the reason I stopped bashing the game years ago. I used to like pissing off VII fanboys, but then people like you came along and ruined it.

Your hatred of the game is so irrational, so narrow minded, so flamboyant that you're making the FFVII fanboys look good. Congratulations.

I played FFVII sometime in 2002 or 2003. It looked awful compared to basically everything I had ever played before or since. I still liked it more than I did VI, which I played before and thought it was a little bit too slow paced and gloomy for my taste. At the time, I thought it was the best FF ever, tied with FFIX, which I also played before. My opinion has not changed.

There are better games, I'll admit. Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II are so beyond what any FF will ever be, is not even funny.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!