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hey no-name, sorry for the late reply, had to do some last minute chores. here's my full info:

wii number:





wii remotes, nunchucks, balence board, wii zapper, wii motion plus, wii wheel

wiiware games i have:

megaman 9, super mario bros: 2 lost levels, super street fighter 2 turbo, punch-out!!, donkey kong 2, sonic 3, lost winds, defend your castle, mario RPG, star soldier, starfox 64, steets of rage 3, paper mario, wild west guns

games i would not like:

legend of zeldas (have all of them already)

super mario bros (have all of them already)

and sry for the late reply! i hope there still time! and thanks for doing this! its pretty awesome how this community is so trusting and closely-tied. glad to be a part of this.