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I also don't see all the hubbub. Aerith just wasn't that much of an identifiable character for me, so her death was neither a tearful occasion or a complete shock during my first playthrough.

I do understand why it's so popular, being as this was, and continues to be, one of the biggest marketed RPGs of all-time, as well as many peoples' first and only Final Fantasy,
BUT, Aerith? A martyr? Hardly in my eyes, she just seemed like an almost disinterested shell.
Besides wasn't she like the one who was suppose to have this "pure of heart," "chaste," "perfect" persona and this deep connection with the Life Stream?  So her death necessitates that  balance in the universe, the great savior motif.  Flippin' formulaic. 

I would have been more upset if Tifa died.

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