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Fab_GS said:
arbitor365 said:
perpride said:
arbitor365 said:
perpride said:
Wow I can see this thread turned into an anti-FFVII thread, like usual.

yeah, I know........... I think Im starting to like this site XD

It doesn't matter what the topic at hand is either. If you are talking about anything that has to do with FFVII, there's always a million people that will pour into the thread just to let you know how garbage FFVII was. I'm glad VGC's top 100 games of all time clarified the true king of Final Fantasy.

Yeah, that list was bullshit and we all know it.  In the description they basically said "millions of people bought it and it was the most popular. Therefore it’s the best." they knew they couldnt put something like "it had the most innovative gameplay" or "it had the best storyline" or "it had the best gameplay for its genre" because none of that would have had any truth to it whatsoever. its absurd. any list that has FFVII at the top has no credibility at all.  (and neither does a list that puts "mario galaxy" above "mario 64."). I mean, there are dozens of RPGs that deserve that spot more, much less games from other categories. Are they seriously going to say that FFVII was the second most innovative and influential game OF ALL TIME???? More innovative than pong? More innovative than sinistar? More innovative than doom?? More innovative than Zelda 1??? More innovative than any NES game? It’s a joke.  FFVII is not the second best game ever made. It doesn’t even deserve to be in the top 50 let alone the top ten (I wouldn’t even put it in the top 100).  It did not revolutionize the genre just because it had 3D graphics. 3D RPGs were coming and they didn’t need FFVII in order to do so. It is just plain ignorance to think that we wouldn’t have 3D RPGs today if it weren’t for FFVII. Give me a fucking break.  I hope we get more FFVII hate threads, because that shit needs to get knocked down to size.

WOW You hate FFVII just because most people thinks it's better than Legend of Dragoon. There is something you need to accept here, people has DIFFERENT opinions.

You do know that the list wasn't about innovation nor influence. It is purely based on votes by VGC community, hence why FFVII, SMG and MGS4 being on the Top 10. Besides, you can't deny the impact FFVII made and how influential it was/is. It's definitely one of important games of all-time.

I will not deny that it made an impact, but I find that the impact was incredibly negative for the gaming industry and the RPG genre.  It was an early example of how oversaturation kills smaller franchises and hurts the diversity of a genre.  It inadvertently set up an arrogant mentality in an impressionable generation of young gamers and basically shoved countless titles (many of which that were superior) off the map.  It further cemented square into the industry and turned it into a behemoth.  FF was a pop craze in the video game community, nothing more, nothing less. and like pop crazes in music, it overshadowed countless masterpieces and was hideously overrated. It doesn’t deserve to be on any list. It needs to be forgotten. And thank god the craze is starting to fade. People are finally moving on and people aren’t afraid anymore to say that FFVII is overrated.  Of course people still like to limit themselves and refuse to keep their nostalgia under control.  Well im not afraid to admit right now that I HATE FFVII. I have good reason to and im proud of it.

"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For I am is morphing time!"