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SMT said:
Baww, I want a new Digital Devil Saga. I just love the battle system, that you can change your characters skills when you want.

I know the story kinda ended with DDS2, but maybe a prequel..? :)

I just hope they ditch the evokers or yu-gi-oh cards in the new Persona. I don't care which platform it goes, though I still would like to see it on the PS3 *drool*
And the story should be placed before Persona 3, the enemies should be demons like in the older games.

You are very wise. I would also love another game like DDS; it has an awesome story and a killer soundtrack. Serph shouldn't have been a silent protagonist though. I mean come on, he's the leader. He's the one who should give orders. The skill learning system was pretty neat too. Another Devil Survivor or Raidou Kuzunoha game would be cool too. Raidou 2 surprised me on how good it was; the first one was forgettable.

Anything but more Persona games please. We had 5 of those in three years.