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carlos710 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:

Yea that clearly was my response, i listed a bunch of games that are rumored like your sig suggests.

Hey you know what since im such a danm fanboy i should add a bunch of rediculas bullshit list to my sig of unnanounced 360 games

 You started it, for some reason you dislike anyone not possessing a wii, imagine that.

I never have attacked anyone for not having a Wii. Once again you don't seem to know what you are talking about.  

Didnt say you did, but thats your response to everyone, friend have wiis, others dont. Its not hard to see. Of course i dont know what im talking about. Hmm show me an area that i dont know what im talking about, cause at the current time your the only one saying it.

Yea that clearly was my response, i listed a bunch of games that are rumored like your sig suggests.

Hey you know what since im such a danm fanboy i should add a bunch of rediculas bullshit list to my sig of unnanounced 360 games


Add them. I don't care, and i didn't used them on my argument for upcoming Wii RPGs. I only listed confirmed games, however is too much for you to handle that the Wii is going to have more RPGs released in the next months.

Yes you did, you did it in a spin like move. You listed Kindom hearts for nintendo, which is clearly not for the wii. You said "o well its for ds same thing" You spin things way to much

God of war 3, GT 5, MGS4, FF 13 all unannounced games.

I dont care if they sell 1 million, they are big time proven franchises, just as big as mario cart and brawl, and ps3 possesses more of them.


If they sell 1 million then they aren't as big, you failed. Ps3 DON'T have more of them. You are just listing the same games that everyone does. "MGS 4, FF13, GT 5"

Add GTA 4, RE 5 if you want, god of war is not as big as the others.

 However Nintendo alone has Zelda Wii, Pokemon, Mario galaxy, Smash bros brawl, Mario kart, Animal crossing, Wii fit, Wii motorsports etc. So i would say that the Wii is the one that has more huge franchises confirmed at the moment. Nintendo survived just from their 1st party games for 10 years, don't think they managed to do that just because you don't know history of videogames.

How many of those are coming out next year? Do you have the capacity to understand that we are talking 08 here? Ive yet to hear of zelda coming out in 08. Galaxy just came out. Again your listing bullshit.

Never claimed they didnt, again your trying to show me how "smart" you are by shoving words in my mouth then posting nonsense. Either respond to what i said or not at all. Next year, ps3 has its biggest games coming. If FF hits then it def has bigger. Its a matter of opinion but most will agree with me. Insulting me on a subject i didnt even go into, nice job asswhole.

If those are hack and slash and mario is just a plain platformer then i feel bad that you have the right to call yourself a gamer.

I have the right to call myself the King of the world if i want to. 

Fine do that, but its not what others will percieve you as.


Yep im the fanboy here, defending a console that i dont even own from some deluded fanboy who shoves words into peoples mouths.


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.