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FKNetwork said:
Lolcislaw said:

I never understood why Achievments are so important they just a number on the internet that means nothing (well maybe how much time u spent playing), maybe im not hardcore but i just think that getting some ridicilous achievments on the 360 is a waste of time.

Wow, how wrong and biased can someone be! i bet if the wii had them you would be LOVING them....

Dude i've got a 360 and i love it , but  literally i couldnt care less for Gamerscore, especially when majority of Achievments are damn hard and have nothing to do with the plot. Therefore achievments have no value to me.

I think Achievments are done well in Fallout 3 when they are given through natural progression of the game, it doesnt force you to try some ridicilous stuff for ages just to get meaningless 100G. And they are definately not as revolutionary as motion controlls

But that's just my opinion.