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They havent updated that since the Game detabase was created. Combine OTHERS(were it sold more) it should be around 2 million.

The ps2 wasnt a shooter type system, the ps3 on the other hand is( resistance sold 2 million ) cod4 is about to make it to 1 million.

KZ2 is a completely different game from killzone1. The gameplay vids say it all, you cant compare KZ1 with KZ2 in any way possible.

Even if we give it the 1.25 million extra from others to hit 2 million (which I doubt but maybe Japan can give it a tiny push as well), it still does not bode well. Yes, R:FoM did manage to break 2 million, but it was also bundled at times. The game also came from a developer that had an extremely solid background. Killzone 2 is from developers who hae 2 other FPS games under their belt, and neither one was all that great.

Their second Killzone game didn't even manage to break 500k on the PSP which has a very respectable install base. I am not saying the game can't be fun for some, or it won't look fantastic, but it is not going to even contribute to any change in the tides of the console wars. Yes it is very pretty, but so is Lair.

PS. Sorry for the cheapshot with Lair.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229