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Hi - I'm quite new to this forum but just want to start off by saying how great it is.  The quality and depth of information provided by the guys running this site is phenomenal, as good and better than some sites and sources that try to charge for their put those guys to shame.  Credit to you all and everybody who assists in this. 

Anyway, enough lurving.....I wonder if anyone can help me with a request.  I live in the UK and want to get a big TV to go with my superb Wii.....I am thinking around 46 inches and I've heard that Plasma is better than LCD for use with Wii (don't really use my TV for anything else apart from playing Wii / DVD's given that most of British TV seems to consist of reality cr*p nowadays).  Does this sound reasonable to anybody more expereinced out there or should I go for something bigger / smaller and LCD?  Thanks for your help. 

Finally and off topic.....but I think you guys have a genius amongst you.....and John Lucas is the Galileo of our time.  As someone who didn't look at a console for 15 years until the Wii came along (loved my 64 and Amiga), I cannot tell you how much fun I, and my non-game playing friends and family have had with it for the last 9 months.  And that's what entertainment is, and NOT graphics and / or reading instruction manuals that are like learning how to fly a Boeing 747.  Over the next 5 years I am convinced that the Wii will change the world of entertainment (and the world) and when Mr. Lucas says 200-250m+, I have to agree.