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CrazzyMan said:
Zelda - yes(though also on GC).
MP - yes.
Mario - yes.
SSB - no.

Halo - yes.
Mass effect aka KOTOR - yes.

Lost Odyssey - no.

Uncharted - yes.
MGS - no.
GT - no.
FF - no.

KZ - no.

PS3 sold more then x360 in same period of time, though x360 had Geow, (overhyped system seller) and NO competition from next gen of consoles. PS3 started in Europe only by the end of March. PS3 costed 500-600$ more then half year.

And now, you still think, that PS3 won`t do AWESOME in 2008? LOL.
PS3 is UNSTOPTABLE. It`s only the begining, only the FIRST year.

that is what people call false evidence... is it strange systemlauchps3>normal month?x360

if u think so , LOL at u

unstoppable? we will see,  dont think i forget

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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