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I think people are forgetting two things:

Momentum - A lot of system sales will depend on the public perception of if the system will be hot or not. If people think the PS3 will be dead last, then few will buy it, but if these games can give the system momentum, which I think they can in Japan, and maybe Europe, then the perception might change and people will invest in it expecting more greatness to come.

Library & future prospects - For those pointing out that the PS3's line up for 08 is better than the 360's, keep this in mind. People rarely get a system based on one or two games alone. They also consider what's currently available in the lineup, what are the hot new games coming out now and what's coming up in future. PS3 may have bigger games coming out in 08 than 360, but that doesn't change the fact that Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, GeOW, etc., are in the 360's library and will be affecting people's purchasing decisions.