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CommonMan said:


You sounds both bitter and angry. But you are teh Hardcorez!!!11!!ONE!!11!ELEVEN!!11!!!!! It's hard being a n00b and getting pwned like this. You've convinced me that my games are no fun, and that you are better. I'm going to go and throw away my "stupid controller" and get an ZOMGAMAZING PC!

lol that made me laugh out loud. YEH BABY Teh HardCoREz We DoNT pLAy hALF ASseD FpS We PLaY FpS INsIDe aN rTS LikE COmpARing STArcrAFT to A fPS AND SAY IT IS SIMILAR YEaH BABy rAPE NOobs IS TE BEsT esPECCialY mEn KeEP ON TAKing tHE shIT YEh ImA GONNa gET sniPPEd WHilE ROcKet strAFIng JUsT waNNa show IMA HArdCORE.

no harm ment but iMA HarDcoRe

Edit: here are two sites on hardcore gamers one telling you it still exists and te other tells you how to be one