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I don't think you can say it is or not. It depends on what your going to create. Quality and content will determine that. Compression can always get better I guess, so a multi-platform game will prob not need it.

The exclusives on the PS3, however, will need them. If you want gaming to stay at this level and your satisfied, then no, Blu-ray isnt need. If you want gaming to progress into something more it will be. Better graphics, better AI, and larger games will need more space. It's just common sense. Games this large will take a lot longer to make, but once development is perfected on the PS3 in 2 years or so, I think we can expect to have a massive 150 hour RPG game with dialogue like Mass Effect, graphics like Uncharted or Gears of War, and side missions galore.

Its possible with more power and larger storage media. As the gaming industry grows, I think well see more large corporations having development teams and paying big bucks for them. I think people like Fox, Universal, Warner Bros, will get into game development, and I don't mean crappy video game movies. I think blu-ray allows for those larger projects, and hopefully Microsoft further pushes their next console to be able to carryout these newer more advanced projects as well.