cAPSLOCK said:
He's saying console shooters take no skill because they take no skill. Sorry but that video was a joke. Here ya go, meet Vo0. Now I know it's going to be a little fast for you, so I'll explain some stuff since you'll never see it on a console: Rocket jumping: aim at the floor or a wall and shoot a rocket as you jump, thus propelling you to grand heights. You'll kill yourself about 1000 times before you learn to do this effectively. Strafe jumping: awh hell I'll let wikipedia do this one The movements are usually as follows:
Done correctly, this will dramatically increase the player's velocity with successive jumps. The only way to learn this technique is by practice. Sequential strafejumping is mainly a matter of muscle memory, as the maximum angle of mouse motion increases slightly with consecutive jumps. Another way to increase jump speed in Quake III is a circle-jump where the player gets over 500 units/sec (standard runspeed is 320 units/sec). (by the way he's doing that the entire video) Plasma ladder: you won't see it in the vid, but it's pretty damn hard to do and I've seen it in matches Now, Vo0 is doing all of those things while shooting better than anyone on a console ever will. There's no "skill ceiling" where everyone is essentially the same on Quake 3 or Counter Strike, the skill ceiling on console games is pretty damn low. But then again if there were any pro gamers in consoles besides the fighting game guys we wouldn't have to deal with stupid questions about how OMG WAY LEET a gamepad is. At least in the Q3/CS/UT days contards knew their place. I don't even know how someone gets all omgl33tsauce playing a new FPS game every week. And I'll add some more dirt, strafe jumping and all of those other wonderful things back in the late 90s were HUGE, seen as something the "hardcore only" do or can do. It's one of a billion tricks in shooters like Counter Strike and Q3 and UT used to do but don't anymore because as FPS became popular and made casual with the Halo crowd, people complained a LOT and made those things a thing of the past. Halo will never have a cool trick video like "skillout" because the days of REAL competitive and REAL hardcore gaming died with Q3 and Counter Strike and UT 2004. Face it, console FPSers, you guys are our Wii, and yes, much like you replaced us with your baby shooters, the Wii will replace you. Ad yes, your stupid controller is as much to blame as those crybabies who, rather than getting owned a few months (yes months, not minutes/hours) before getting good and learning, complained until they got their way. |
You sounds both bitter and angry. But you are teh Hardcorez!!!11!!ONE!!11!ELEVEN!!11!!!!! It's hard being a n00b and getting pwned like this. You've convinced me that my games are no fun, and that you are better. I'm going to go and throw away my "stupid controller" and get an ZOMGAMAZING PC!