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wick said:
ph4nt said:
I really, really have lost hope in the gaming community as a whole.

This sorry excuse for a podcast claims the Gamecube was a hardcore console, they acted like they loved the cutting edge graphics. Yet, the Gamecube was largely received as a Kiddy system, got no third party support, failed sales wise (tho still made money). So they decide to go into a different direction that works wonders, they create the two best selling systems of all time, sell more software than any other system before it, making record profits, and guess what? Everyone hates them for making casual games (when it was the third parties who are making the crappy casual games). Not having a lot of horsepower, not having a huge online component. Well, when they actually had graphics noone bought their system, why would they continue that route? Here Sony has lost every penny they ever made with the Playstation brand, Microsoft is just barely turning a profit, and yet they think Nintendo should be more like them? please!


Just Sony lost all the profits from the PS2. Not sure about the PS1. But otherwise those numbers do show the bashers just have trouble grasping the math there.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs