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Ps3 said:
Khuutra said:
Ps3 said:
Is there even a shred of evidence that proves animal testing could work for humans? What have we accomplished?

Okay here's two big ones:



Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and it was cause of bacterial experiments. He was actually working on staphylococci bacteria and he left an experiement out and it grew mold.. That's how that was actually discovered.

I just looked it up again - animal testing was still necessary before it coudl be given out to humans. So, you know. All antibiotics come from that kind of testing.

And you know the polio vaccine? The one that cured the biggest killer of children in the modern world? Oh yeah. Animal testing.

Have you ever known someone who had to get a heart bypass surgery? Or bone replacement (particularly the hip)? Have you ever gotten a flu vaccination?

Have you lived through a flu epidemic?