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LordTheNightKnight said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:

It's an appeal to common sense. The conduit can run on wii with online multiplayer for...what was it 12 people? Or was it 8? Either way, NSMBW does not push the wii as hard as the Conduit. I don't have specs, I have common sense.

Common sense doesn't mean a lot in this case - unless, like Kylie, you want to call Miyamoto a liar. If that's the case, then the burden of proof is on you, and "common sense" does not qualify.

Fine, you keep on believing that Miyamoto wasn't doing PR, and that NSMBW is in fact the pinnacle of what the wii can handle technologically, that in fact the people absolutely most familiar with the system cannot in actuality squeeze any more out of it than what has been accomplished with the monumental technical feat that is NSMBW. Back when the wii was released there were many nay sayers saying "NAY! There can never be a 2d platformer, that looks like a decent improvement over a DS game, running with 4 people simultaneously! The wii cannot handle it! What, with all the goomba matrixes, and Koopa AI and the like!" But, they were proven wrong when Miyamoto personally rolled up his sleeves and showed them that you could get!!! 4!!! Players playing at once!!! With some complex abstract mathematics, and a completely new programming language designed entirely for this game alone invented by miyamoto, one could in fact mimic Super Smash Brothers Brawl's Adventure mode with less textures, fewer graphical effects, and midi music, at the expense of online play!

You go ahead and believe it, I'm going to remain incredulous that NSMBW is the pinnacle of wii technology.

"looks like a decent improvement over a DS game"

You have a problem right there. Upscaled pictures have shown the polygon count and texturing is well above N64 level, not a "decent improvement", and those still don't tell us the full usage of the system.

So your argument lies on the belief the level of the graphics is far lower than what we've actually seen of the game, through our own common sense.

In short, your premise isn't unproven. It's outright false. NSMBWii starts out the character models around level of Super Mario Sunshine. Take a good look at the screens, preferably the larger ones.

So then super Mario Sunshine in 2d is the max the wii can handle? Is the wii suddenly weaker than the gamecube? Smash Bros brawl looks demonstrably better than NSMBW, and has 4 player online. The NES can handle the goombas, platforms, and koopa troopas, so somehow I doubt the levels put that much of a strain on the wii. What is it that is pushing the wii so hard in this game I wonder?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.