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The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:

If that's the case then I would argue that the dissatisfaction here (while undoubtedly partially caused by ruffled feathers) also has somehting to do with the fact that their method of statement lacks any kind of journalistic professionalism, or even any kind of critical mode or regularity. They make several unqualified statements concerning company resource allocation for various projects and make disparaging remarks that would be tremendously difficult or impossible to verify, and openly state in the podcast that they say these things solely for the purpose of being inflammatory.

Is that enough of a reason to be dissatisfied with their journalistic or editorial dialogue, ignoring my avatar?

They are not journalists, they are enthusiast press. They are professional opinion givers. The vast majority of them do not have degrees in journalism, nor do they claim to be journalists. Their job is that of pundits, to give their views and opinions on what they see. I heard the podcast, they were being sarcastic when they said they are just trying to get clicks by bashing wii. To say that one disagrees with some of it is perfectly justifiable. To ignore everything they are saying which is very justified, under the blanket of "They are just trolls" isn't justified, and is just the usual videogame loyalist method of defending their brand of choice. They've been very regular in their critisisms of all three systems, and what critical "mode" do you want, other than the mode of enthusiast gamer disatisfied with their wii?

I think th thing here is that we have different expectations of the duties of the enthusiast press. It doesn't mattr how they describe themselves, what their educations are, or even how they conduct themselves - they are, by nature of their profession, journalists. Shitty journalists, one could argue, and not quite sure of what they ought to b doing, bu they're still journalists.

And I do not think people are dismissing all of their statements by calling them trolls - that would not be rasonable.

Calling them trolls, though, is not unreasonnable in and of itself.