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darthdevidem01 said:
you guys think this is bad

listen to some of the pod casts from early 07 to mid 07 (particularly 1up pdcast), the PS3 used to get destroyed in this to downright ignored

IGN is getting lower & lower now

Yeah but uh... thep ps3 had good reason to be destroyed or ingonred in early to mid 07.

It sold like crap and very few people liked it.

The problem isn't that they're being really negative... it's that their negativity isn't really tied to reality.


When talking about an industry one should have a wide view of things.

That's why someone like Roger Ebert can give thumbs up to movies in genres he doesn't even really enjoy, or how a food critic can rate food anywhere... even though he may have a prefrence for some food to others.   Critics should be self aware of their own interests and mostly isolate their own interests versus the interests of the general population in order to give a judgement and opinion on the situation that rings true in general.