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well first of I don't agree that those games are hot for sure... I'd say MGS is the only one we can be sure of it (and I don't like it, I don't like stealth games)... KZ 2 we have no idea of how good it will be... and even if the graphism are as good as they say it will be it still doesn't give us a hot game..; DOOM 3 had good graphics.. I still think the game suck.... (nothing new no story stupid AI, basically it was a DOOM 1 with good graphics not enough to make a good game)

FF13 same thing we don't know anything about it.. that brand name is slowing down since number 7 like it's quality....

but if you have to name the 3 system seller they have in hand I agree those are the most famous one with GT.....

now will it turn things around... against WII ??? no way in hell
against XB??? I highly doubt it... it never happened in the past... the problem they are facing is not only about people wanting a PS3 or not... it's also the support of the 3rd party... if they lose that (and it's likely to happen like happened to other consoles in the same situation) they are doomed... the power of XB even over WII it's that it's actually a console selling games.... I have 19 games on 360 I never had that many games on hand for any console beside game boy...
So in my mind and in a logical market law way the PS3 is already doomed... and what's needed is not good exclu to turn things around... it's a miracle they need... a new mario type of license...