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I don't think those games can turn it around for Sony. As people mentioned if it was simply about great games then N64 would have destroyed PS1. But I think the playstation brand name is still so powerful that it is very likely things will eventually turn around for Sony. There are two things that will help it achieve this. First, the unreliability of PS2. There are many PS2 owners whose PS2s are going to die in the next few years. When they do there is a strong possibility they will decide to upgrade to a PS3 because of their loyalty to the playstation brand (although backwards compatibility being removed hasn't helped Sony in this regard). The second thing is that there are many PS2 owners waiting for the PS3 to become affordable before they upgrade. To these people playstation is all they know. However, it may be very difficult for PS3 to defeat Wii even if it is able to overcome 360. By the time PS3 is affordable enough for all those PS2 owners waiting to upgrade Wii might be so far ahead and have established such a strong brand name of its own that it would be too late for PS3