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Musouka said:
I believe that religion is not the problem of this word. It is just used as a decoy by the powers that be. The cause of all the world's wars is simple... money.

True! And as other people have said, religion itself isn't the problem, despite being the proverbial whore for all past rulers using it to further their agenda in despicable ways. What bothers me is that after all the bullshit that religion has been used for, people still see it as pure, innocent and sincere, an incoruptible path to God, which should never be questioned, and that the leaders of a religion should not be questioned.

Plus, religion always has the support of the masses, Iran is the best example, religios leaders used religion to overthrow the democratic goverment ( which had one of the most modern constitutions at the time ).I mean you would litteraaly see women protest against girls going to school and having basic human rights, believe me only religion can do that, be it the twisted version of it.Not to mention that throughout history, the moment a state became a secular state, thingsw only became better, the moment the church started gaining power, it al went to hell.

Simple fact of the matter is religion at the level of an individual is cute, religion at the level of a group is intolerant and ignorant, religion at the level of rule and governing is pure poison. Yet despite all this relgion still has a fluffy, harmless image in the minds of people.