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I've never seen a generation where 3 games turned around a console's sales around. I've seen where a solo big game helps out a console, but the console already had to be doing well for that to happen, such as FF7 for the PS1.

As I've stated on this kinda topic numerous times before, if a select few exclusives could win a generation then N64 with SM64, Goldeneye 007, and OOT would have crushed the PS1 in to millions of pieces of oblivion.

We all know that didn't happen so to answer your question, no. What it takes to win a generation is a few things. One, price. Price is very important. Price is the key to selling any product in any market. Having a good mass market price is not opitional, but necessary. It's not about having the lowest price, just a good mass market price. If it was just about having the lowest price then GC would have won, which once again it didn't. Normally in the gaming arena $300 is the cap for mass market acceptable pricing, but I think it's extended a little higher in recent years.

The second thing to win a generation is a good QUANTITY of games. I've actually never seen a generation won where the person had nothing but quality games. PS2 and PS1 had more crap games than good games. To win a generation you need a large library of games in turn with a key titles mixed in. Can't be all crap of course.

And finally the most important thing to winning a generation is brandname. If you aren't the one in the mainstream, then how do you ever expect to win. For instance Windows isn't the best OS. We all know this. Yet it still has about 90% dominance of the market. Why? It's got the mainstream brandname. Doesn't matter what anyone else does it'll win, despite it's inferiority. Same thing with the Ipod. It's not about being the technically "best" product, it's about being the most known product. ANd it's hard to gain a brandname, but easy if your competition laxes.

This craze you see in America for the Wii, is due to it's large brandname in the mainstream. Despite many people's stating of it being a fad, do you know how hard it is to kill a brandname at it's heightening. It's almost impossible. Silly fanboy ideals can't stop Wii's brandname in America nor Japan, despite Japan's recent recession in sales. Brandname is hard to kill but can be done. Nintendo did this with their DS. Many state the console and handheld markets don't cross but you'd be surprise. Do you know singlehandedly the DS switched dominant brandname in gaming market from Playstation to Nintendo. DS was just so huge it just did itself. And becuase PSP had the playstation brand in its name, it took the entire brand down with it, despite PSP not doing that bad at all. Brandname shifts can sometime be slow and gradual, and other times they can happen over a holiday season, as it did with DS.

I mean many wonder why Wii exploded so fastly, well it's thx to the DS. Without DS, Wii could not have succeeded.

Understand those 3 things, and most importantly brandname, will tell you why 3 games can't simply turn a generation around. That's why Halo 3 couldn't turn 360 around at all. Wii has a pretty domineering branndame in most major regions such as America(although 360 has been able to at least get itself noticeable in the market mainly due to the early release, UK(same case as America for 360, France, Germany(same case as America for 360), Japan, Australia(same case as America for 360), and other regions. REally the only place NIntenod hasn't setup a dominating brand in is Spain, Italy, and New Zealand. ANd of course the parts of the world it hasn't released in such as China, although I see big things for Wii in China.

It'll take a lot to take down the Wii this generation. I'm not saying it's impossible, but Wii has to gain some kinda share in brandname this generation. First things first is getting to America, the place if it doesn't act will get 3rd place.