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jhlennon1 said:
Kasz216 said:
jhlennon1 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
FF7 remake isn't happening anytime soon.

No, because the team are on FFXIII but once that's finished. The remake will happen, inevitably, and it better be PS3 exclusive or I'll be so pissed off with Sony.

Of course though, this is relying on the fact that the XIII games will be successful. If FFXIII bombs then no more FF for Sony and at the moment Japan are not installing me with a lot of confidence.

Thanks Soriku


It'll probably be on the DS if anything. Heh hopefully they REALLY remake it... remake the graphics so they arn't ugly... remake the plot so it makes sense... remake the characters so they arn't annoying... remake the difficulty level so it isn't silly easy without any sort of level grinding.

Thank you for your FFVII hate post and please don't forget how it outsold everything in it's path to turn the FF franchise into a international megahit and has become the most wanted Remake ever.

And on the DS? LOL. That will never happen.

Why would I forget that?  I was there and I was part of those sales.  It's not like sales = quality however.  It's mostly remembered so positivly because the advertising blitz got a whole group of people into RPGs who didn't play RPGS before.  That and it was one of the first, if not the first to use FMV's which wowed people and for some reason was considered to make up for the horrific in game graphics.

Mostly it was a joke however there was so much wrong with that game however that it honestly is about the only game i'd be glad to see an actual remake of... it is, the ugliest game i've ever seen comparative to the console it's on.

The graphics being the prime offender, because the in game gameplay graphics were just a train wreck... tweaking up the difficulty level a little bit would help as well.

Normally I'm much more a fan of just direct ports myself.