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I personally don't think there's anything Sony can do to reach second place this gen. MGS4 will sell a lot of systems, and I mean a lot. But the problems Sony face come from the fact that they are just not providing enough of an incentive for the general public to spend more on their machine.

Also lets not forget that the 360 has many more games coming out next year. Just after the holiday season, expect an announcement for Gear of War 2. You know their working on it, be dumb for Microsoft not to put the bug out. News of this game alone will sell systems. Also Sony cant afford to strip down the PS3 anymore, if they do their investors are going to ****bricks. So many are saying that there's no games coming out the 360 next year.

I'm not going to drop any titles of games, Ill leave that to the fanboys, but I will tell you that that's just nonsense. Just the comparison of software sales alone, common sense will explain why Sony has lost so many exclusives. You see Microsoft is smart, instead of spending most of their advertising money on the system, they chose to spend more money actually selling the games. Heck if I were a third party I wouldn't want to be exclusive to the PS3, would YOU???