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RolStoppable said:
ItsaMii said:

I must tell the truth about this game. I have not played it yet, but it is my duty to tell the truth about the corrupt gaming media hyping this average game. Mario games are going downhill since Mario 2 (the best of them all). I will share some facts with you guys:

1) Mario Galaxy only uses one Gamecube of the 2 ductaped together inside the Wii. This produces subpar graphics that are barelly near the level of Crysis for PC.

2) It was dumbed down for the stupid casual audience. The game is so easy you can not even compare it to Viewtifull Joe on V-rated, Ghouls and Goblins or the original Ninja Gaiden.

3) Reliable sources reported that the game can be finished in 7 hours (15 if you collect all stars). It is embarassingly short, one could speedrun it in 4 hours.

4) No replay value. After defeating the last boss, all you can do is collect more stupid stars. You can also replay the game with the secret character, but this is not as deep as collecting skulls in Halo or dog tags in Metal Gear.

5) The game corrupts children. With its secret gay messages the game tries to keep your kids away from the right path.

6) The hype is already fading. Reviewers can try to fool us, but the truth is that no one cares about MG anymore. The game bombed hard. In just 2 weeks it barely sold more than 1.300.000 units.

7) There is no online play. This is the future Nintendo, how can you release shit that has no onlinekultiplayer.

8) The story is so bad that I will not even talk about it.

9) The controls are awkward. There is no support for mouse and keyboard even though Wii supports keyboard. Motion controls are gimmick like everything else on the Wii.

10) Enviroments are repetitive and dull. The colors are lacking and details are scarce.

This is a 6/10 game.

I don't know what's wrong with you, let's go through this point by point:

1) Graphics aren't everything in games, the gameplay makes or breaks a game. SMG is awesome in that regards.

2) Just because you only need a few buttons to perform all necessary actions, doesn't mean that the game is dumbed down. Besides the game offers some pretty challenging missions.

3) What are your reliable sources? Random posts on a forum?

4) Collecting dog tags is more satisfying? You gotta be joking.

5) There's nothing wrong with being gay.

6) The game bombed hard? Just because it didn't do Halo numbers?

7) Not every game needs online play to be great.

8) This point is so bad I am not even going to argue it.

9) I think the game controls much better with the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo than it ever could with Mouse/Keyboard.

10) That's what you think. The graphics are amazing, especially for a Wii game.

Your opinion is worth a 0/10. 
