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SaviorX said:
I've heard the Japanese don't even consider Western games "games", no matter how good they may be. As soon as they see them, they label em' something else, like an inferior from of videogames.

Its unfortunate but true. That's why games from the West don't sell well at all in Japan.

That thought comes from the article about S-E claiming Japanese bias, so it is probably true in some respects.  However, if they want to be close-minded about it, I guess that the rest of us can rejoice that there are many more people who actually DO enjoy open-ended, "western" games.  Western games sell fine without Japan, so we get the best of both worlds.

The only aspect that is a little irksome to me is that WRPGs seem to constantly be treated as second rate when games like Ultima made the the genre.  Plus, early Ultima games were easily on par if not better than Final Fantasy releases (until EA took over).  Lord British had fantastic ideas.