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Soriku said:
Hero_time88 said:
Why dind't we saw a main Tales of for the GameCube, despite that Team Symphonia had more experience with the GameCube than with the PS2? It's was even noticable because Tales of the Abyss was technically less impresive than ToS.

And maybe there hasn't been main entry for the PSP, becuase the Tales of teams have been busy with other consoles? Team Destiny has been working on Graces for three years and Team Symphonia just finished three months ago the final version for ToV...

Namco of course couldn't know that DS entrys would sell that bad


lol? Have you taken a look at other Tales games released around Christmas? Of course you haven't. ToG is on track to beat ToH's first week (140k) and ToH ended up selling 250k LTD. Selling 300k would be the least surprising thing ever. And nobody expected this game to sell like ToV on both platforms.

Umm, why?  It had lower first day sales, and I thought all these big releases were supposed to bring down the sales.