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I need to get the new mario.
I need to finish SMG.
It's games like that or is it just ninty games, from Japan that I love and will keep playing but as for JRPG's they seem to be all about the show. Sort of like Hollywood. I want to get into them as I see the ads and it's so over the top they look like a thrill ride but then I play them and it was just the best cut scene they used in the ad.
A cut scene that will be repeated and repeated and repeated if your good at the game. Ne I get the one where I get my arse kicked again and again and again. WRPG's are more my thing so you take out JRPG and Japan has little to offer me.

That said if they ever stop caring about games and their gaming industry falls it will be a huge loss to us all as I believe there should always be options and there's always room for something different. The odder the better.