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I absolutely hate the stupid and childish "TeaBagging" thing that has become so damned popular in online FPS games. It is soo annoying that this stupid ritual that was started by drunk college students and teenage Halo players has become so popular that it is beginning to invade classic FPS games like Counter-Strike/Source and Team Fortress/TF2.

I also absolutely hate kids spraying nude pictures of underage kids that happened to have taken nude pictures of themselves for their HS boyfriends with their camera phones. I want to play my PC FPS games without having to look at naked underaged kids damnit!!!!

I also really hate when people BURP LOUDLY into the Mic during online games. Especially in games in which you have to press a button to talk. Why the hell would you do this? How is this a cool thing to do? Do you feel empowered that you can burp? Does it give you special powers? Is it going to help you attract a mate?