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Final-Fan said:
And again I will say I have yet to hear a good argument for penalizing those who wish to save money.

If you're such a successful saver that you have millions upon millions when you die, having a sizeable chunk taken out in taxes isn't going to kill your beneficiaries.

The number of rich and poor people by percentages is remaining relatively stable

But are the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer?

Ultimately I think your argument deals far too thoroughly in generalities, it really is an oversimplistic view of what is going on and makes it seem as if the rich are just getting richer because they are rich. When in reality only some are increasing their wealth and those are the ones who are investing and providing jobs and economic growth. To tax them specifically for the reason that they are spurring growth and providing jobs is beyond ridiculous. It is once again a penalty for success.

I don't see you providing specific data either.

Actually the rich do tend to get richer more easily because they HAVE money they can afford to invest and get returns on, whereas the less fortunate spend almost all of it on necessities or depreciating assets and the leftovers getting socked away for retirement/college/whatever. They can't afford to invest on high-return stuff because (a) they generally don't have the connections of the rich; (b) they can't make large investments; and they are truly boned if they suffer a large setback, while the rich can bide their time and (usually) make up the difference over time.

 Its not about what will and won't be missed.  Otherwise it would be ok for me to steal half-cents from every bank transaction.  This idea is fundamentally flawed.

As I said, some of the rich are getting richer and some are getting poorer.  The fact that they are investing puts them at risk and while they can take more in losses it is because they have earned more in the first place.  

I'm not providing data because I am not making claims that the economy will spin out of control.

Of course the rich make more money easily, they can also lose a lot of money easily as well.  But just describing the situation that rich people are in and pointing out that they have more than you isn't a reason to take it from them. 

To Each Man, Responsibility