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dabaus513 said:

Lost tears wtf? I was/am? stoked for this game and i dont need someone ive never met tell me that im not. Ill have you know the ff series is my favorite of all time so i figured id fall in love with this game, but as i said the more i see the more dissapointed i become it. Im disapointed with the features of the battles system, or lack thereof. (Wheres muh summons be?) And based off the comments alot of other people are disapointed with the battle system too. With games like ff13 on the horizon that will "reinvent the wheel" of jrpg combat, its expected that a formula 10+ years old with nothing new to add will get under some of our skin. Another complaint i have, but can live with, is how fugly the characters are. And no, nobou does not always have a cheesy songs in ff. Maybe in ff8 the eyes on me but hey, at least it was good.
So get off your high horse. I was probaly just as stoked as you at one point for this game  but i dont wear it on my sleeve like you do (with your name and pics, etc.) Im disappointed it if you dont like it tough shit.


Da Baus 

Your showing otherwise, all your doing is saying crap about the game, but "hey i was stoked for it so it gives me the right" ive seen it thousands of times. YOu can tell by the danm cheesy 300k lifetime sales? are you joking? it will most likely sell that in japan ALONE since BD did 200k and this is more hyped then that. Uematsu always has a cheesy song, ALWAYS (ff 7, song with aeris.......FF 8 eyes on me........FF 9 daggers song.......FF 10 when they are at the lake......) The theme song is fantastic, you judged on uematsu by one song.

I told you before, Sakaguchi is not out to recreate FF he would get shit beyond belief and you should know this. If he adds summons thats fine, but he will take ALOT of shit for it. Reinvent the wheel? FF 13 is going back to regular turn based (or active time bar) gameplay, nothing new, except possibly faster paced. BOth games are adding to it, but since FF is well known, more people dont dip into its combat.

What is FPS, heck all the mario games and zelda, they are all alike. If it works keep doing it. It would seem your not a huge JRPG fan, least not for the tradtional games because those are turn based. WHy change things that work

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

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Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.