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ripper said:
obama is not a muslim

if he were he would not get 2% of the vote

Bush is an elite born in CT and educated at yale and harvard, hardly a recneck

I wouldnt go as far as saying Bush is educated. The man is a complete idiot. I will give you one example......Nuclear.....Nucular. Which one is correct? Why the first one obviously. How does good ol George W. pronounce it time after time....


 The only thing Bush is Elite as is being a complete buffoon. The comments on here about Clinton being on the rag and starting wars, and feeling "less safe" with her in office are completly stupid as well. There was never a good reason to go to war with Iraq, thats been proven time after time, month after month. They didnt and dont have any weapons that could have hurt us....had we stayed over hear, and they arent the ones who attacked us. Its funny how we cant find the person who actually did, in the country that we attacked in the first place.....OSAMA.....yet we find Sudam. Someone that had nothing to do with the attackes on us. Oh yeah, thats right, Bush and his family let all of the Bin Laden family leave the country while all of us Americans where stuck at the airports. Now I could care less if a Republican, Democrat, or whatever get into office. The only problem I see is that right now the Repulicans dont have anyone intelligent enough for the job. Obama seams very fake, and has no real experience. Hilary with the help of her husband can right the sinking ship that is the US right now, and make our money worth something again. LAst I checked it only took Bush 3 weeks to wipe out a 3 billion surpluss this country had under the Clinton admin. Not to mention Bush has no clue when it comes to environmental issues, all he cares about is lining his and his buddies pockets with our money. He can spend 160 Billion on a war he started yet 30 billion to give millions of families healthcare is too much of a cost. 160 billion so more troops can die for there country but nothing to actually help people. With that 160Billion he has spent on this war so far, we could have done a lot more to help this country, in education, Katrina victims, healthcare, reducing carbon emmisions, etc. etc. Anyone who still feels that Bush is there man, why dont you quit your job, join the Military and go fight for your country. Only then will you see him for the idot that he truly is.