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Uncompressed sound 5.1 vs Compressed Dolby Digital makes a huge difference.
It is nearly night and day if you have a receiver that can handle the HD sound formats or in the case of the Fat PS3, Bit-streaming of the sound.
If you have a PS3 and a Blu-Ray movie and a decent receiver and 5.1 try out this little experiment.
Go into the language/setup of the Blu-Ray and turn the audio to standard English 5.1/Dolby 5.1. Then after listening to it for a few minutes, rewind and then chose the Dolby-TrueHD\Uncompressed\DTS Master HD option and listen to the same 5 minutes segment. An action movie will show the difference off most.
I cannot see how anyone cannot tell the difference between Uncompressed\HD sound versus Compressed Dolby 5.1

You should even be able to tell a large difference between compressed 2 channel vs. uncompressed 2 channel. Before I got a HD audio capable receiver I could tel the difference between the two.