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Tridrakious said:
theprof00 said:
Tridrakious said:

Yeah, hving the analog sticks in addition to the motion control. You get access to so much more interaction wth the games 3d space.


Anyway. We've already seen the Playstation Motion Controller or Playstation Sphere and we won't be getting this.

Once Nintendo uses something like this. Then Sony will launch this idea, but not wanting to admit that they took someone else's ideas, they will say they've been working on the idea for 5 years. Before their competition.

Dude, you're missing the point.

The purpose for this mock-up is to REPLACE the dualshock or sixaxis.

Therefore, it must meet all functions or the regular controller as well. Regular controllers have dual analog.

I don't know if you've seen it yet, but there is some patent design floating around showing a connecting controller half that would plug into where the ball would be when removed. It's basically a wii mote and numchuck.

Anyway, it wouldn't make sense, really, for them to replace the dualshock, because they can make more money selling different peripherals that do different things.

What am I missing? Sony isn't going to replace the DualShock 3. They have already been slammed when they thought about doing away with it. Remember?

I know what you're saying, but this guy, "Miguel" is testing ways that they could both replace the DS and also give MoCo. He's just messing around a little bit, although, I designed this exact controller, maybe 8-10 months ago.

People are slamming the thought of doing away with DS3 because people don't have any idea what would replace it. If you can propose some designs and actually have the public accept them, then you have achieved success, right? That's the whole point of this design.