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tedsteriscool said:
sega4life said:


These are my opinions on my PS3/60gig


Things I Don't Like:

Font Size: Everything is small, annoyingly small, even on a 61HDTV, hate to see what a SDTV looks like

First time I've heard this. People have been complaining since the firmware update (3.0?) that the new font is much too large.

Nope, store fonts and menu fonts are still real small on a 61in

Controller: Why fuck up the triggers? why?, how about a little upgrade for people that grew up along with their hands for comfort, No external battery - my TV/PS3 is 8 feet away from my couch, WTF is a charging cord that size?

Hence the link under 'triggers'

PlayStation Store: Not a user friendly store, Why so many games have no demo's? and again everything is Small, from the words to the pics, Pics are real small, don't know why I have all this empty space on either side of the PS-Store, use it to make shit bigger please.

It's "nice enough," but I can see where you're coming from when it comes to not being user-friendly.

Can never get a Demo for the game I want to play, it seems like only the lame games have demos, or you have to wait until the game has been released for weeks even months before a demo comes out.

BlueTooth: Nice feature, but like my cell phones, it just doesn't feel like a solid connection, 2 out of 5 times I hit the PS button on the controller the controller turns on but not the PS3 hence getting up and turning on the PS3 Manually.. I always have to reconnect my BlueTooth Keyboard, always.

Sounds like a faulty bluetooth controller (internal hardware problem).

I don't think it's the controllers, keyboard, headsets..

Headset: use any BlueTooth headset, but if you don't use the PS3 Headset you will have issues turning it on like a keyboard, headset doesn't turn off when the system turns off, to just waste battery?  I can not connect more then one headset at a time? so much for Co-Op online play.

All bluetooth headsets should work fine. Just keep it plugged in when you aren't using it?

Did it and still had issues, having it plugged into the PS3 just charges it, doesn't stay connected, but after the update, it stays connected, but not the keyboard or any none PS3 headset.

Blu-Ray: I pay for Sonys new Format. I got storage to replace speed, why? so my games load slower and mandatory installs? I do not see the "I must have" when I watch a Blu-Ray movie, compared to an upscaled DvD.... on a 61in HDTV 120hz anyway

Blu-ray*'s main benefit is when it comes to movies. If you have a hard time distinguishing the difference, you either have very bad eyesight or something is wrong with your TV. Are you sure it's outputting at 1080P? Also, BD provides HD sound, something which blows DVD out of the water. Sound cannot be upscaled

I have 20/20, Like I said above there is no HUGE diffrence 'must have' alternative to upscale DvD and Blu-Ray, the uncompressed sound yes. I thought the main benefit to BR was it's storage? and with storage you get slow load times.

Mandatory Installs: not so bad if you upgrade the Hard Drive, but space is running out for those that don't,  could give me the option to install a game I want to improve the loading times?

Just delete old installs...most people don't go back and play 2 year old games regularly anyway.

I do, whats the point in playing a game once and then not playing it again? I buy my games to play them over and over, when ever i'm in the mood.

Interface/Options: Not user friendly, WTF does YPB/CB Pr/Cr Super-White or RGB Full Range mean to the average user? this is when the built in browser & google come in handy, Even resolution options can be a pain, why can't my PS3 just STAY on 1080p even when I force it? It just can't do it. To many options is not a good thing hence why people make help topics to get better framerates for your PS3 games.

"Too many options is not a good thing?" Wait...what? You'd rather have limitations than freedom when it comes to fine tuning your home theatre experience?

Yep, Whats the point in all those options if changing them has very little effect, I mean thats one of the main features to HDMI, it talks with your unit and TV and finds the Best options. A large % of people buying a PS3 are not going to know WTF those options are for, and sense posting this OP months ago and messing around with features and reading up on them, I can say it wasn't worth my time, kinda like the old PS2 Fast Speed DvD options.. pointless.

Download/Installs: Ok my download is finally done... installing? what? You can't find a way to do it in one quick way like other systems? I wouldn't mind if the isntalls didn't take forever. Eye Of Judgment and Pain installs can be... well... a pain. Downloaded Burnout Paradise on both the 360 and PS3 at the same time, PS3 finished almost 7 minutes after the 360, and then I had to install the demo (but I guess it depends on were you live)

You must have fast internet and a slow HDD, because my experience is the opposite. Downloads typically take between 5-60 minutes, while installs take from less than a minute to several minutes.

Don't know how slow the stock 60gig 5400 HD can be compaired to the other PS3 60gig 5400 HD's.  Play 'Eye of judgement' get 1 of the updates, then sit through one of the 20-45min installs. (each update is diffrent).

Runs Hot: Picture this, your at work, left your PS3 on to do some Folding@Home, you get a call from your wife freaking out that the PS3 is over heating: WTF.. what do you mean? well.. I was dusting the entertainment center and dusted the PS3... WAIT, stop right there, you dusted my PS3? with what?.. Pledge?  no like you told me, gently no pressure, but it's real hot, I get home and feel the PS3.. No honey, that's how it gets. Sorry but my PS3 has always run hotter then my other systems.

Folding @ Home is a bad idea. It's just going to shorten your PS3's lifespan. Also, it gets very hot sometimes, but it doesn't break down because of it...

Will it really shorten the life of the PS3? I havn't used it in months..

Charging Accessories: Charging controllers or accessories is a pain, the system has to be on, will not charge when off like other consoles, I bought a multicharger for the controllers that plugs into a wall outlet, but does not work for Duel Shocks, plugging the USB and trying to play at the same time will not work when your TV is a 61in and you have to sit at least 6 feet away to not go cross-eyed.

You're on VGChartz often enough. Did you know you can charge your controller through your computer's USB port?

I already bought a Gamestop charger for my Sixaxis controllers, after I got the DS3 it won't charge on it. Seems kind of pointless to make it so hrd to charge a controller for a system, bring it to this room, charge it, then bring it back. External Battery would be key/better

OldSchool Complaint: Bleemcast upscaled PS1 games to look much, much, better, why couldn't The Cell do it?



Just my two pennies.


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o