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The wii will NEVER add a free DVD player, they MAY sell one but that is highly unlikely. In order for the wii to legally play DVDs they will need to pay licensing fees to the people that hold the patients on DVDs and the DVD copy protection (CSS). This means adding DVD playback is not as simple as just updating the firmware. If they did just add the feature to play DVDs without coming to an agreement with the people who license the rights to DVD copy protection they would be breaking the law and open them selfs up to one BIG ass lawsuit.

And why would the wii even want a DVD player, everyone has a DVD player in their homes now. Even if they did add a DVD player to the wii not many people would use it. Its better to just use a real DVD player than one in a games console. Is much as I like the wii mote I cant see it being a very good remote for a DVD player.