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As for me.

I'd call it... Christo-agnostic.

I think there is a god, probably someone like the christian god, though not really considering how much stuff has been changed around just to control people into doing what the different church's and states wanted them to do.

If not, and it's some other god, hey i'll apologize, if there is no god... I won't know what do I care?

God could be a good guy, god could be a dick, god not exist. I live off a 99.9% rule. Everything has the smallest chance of existing, so I may as well go off best information, and where no information is available go off hunches.

With no information on the existance or non-existance of god. I'll go with the hunch... I'm not going to bother people who don't believe in god, or do. However I will bug people who seem to only be part of a religion to push their agenda, or people who seem to be atheists just because they were raised strict catholics and have issues about it.

So pretty much anyone who says "Agree with me or go to hell." or "Haha you're an idiot for believing in god"

I have a problem with.