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bumidan said:
So based on our data:
Over 30 Male - don't like platformers like Mario - perceived as for younger people.
Under 25 Male - 2/3 like Mario/Zelda, 2/3 likes JRPGs

By the way, what is the difference between JRPGs and Western ones? Would it not be similar in gameplay, except for characters and art? Can someone give an example of a Western RPG?

Also, I always thought Zelda was an RPG, but I've never really played it. But from my recollection (long time ago - NES) - it was quite similar to Dragon Warrior, which I always thought was a RPG.

Makingmusic - I understand your point regarding the games I find as "too kiddy". The point I was trying to make is that it does not interest me. I am not saying they are bad games because they are kiddy. It's more of a priority ranking. For example, if I have the option of 2 games to play and only a limited amount of time - I would choose the genres I like before I would choose the platformer/"kiddy" game.

Again, I am not saying I don't like them. It's more that there is no interest on my part.
Like I said, a long time ago, I've played Super Mario Bros, etc. and liked them. However, it just seems like as I age, I have no more interest in those types of games. (Though it can change in the future).

So far, based on this limited sample size (as per the title of the thread) - over 30 males seem to not like Mario (in this example) because it has been deemed (by 2 people mind you) as being "kiddy".

Therefore, I would like to see more replies and ages - just to see if that generalization holds up - at least for VGCharts members.

since i dont really play rpg's i have also been wondering that the difference between jrpgs and wrpgs is