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tk1797 said:
Man I hope its another Tactic Ogre game. I love that eries; best tactical rpg series ever. Ever since Quest got bought by Square I was hoping for a sequel to Tactic Ogre but it never happened.

Btw, if I like the Tactic Ogre games will I enjoy the Ogre Battle games?

It's not a gurantee.  You will get to see the beginings of those Zenobians who help you out.  Well a couple of them.  Gilidus and Mildain I think are just supposed to be random knights.

I like both series but I can see how someone might not like the Ogre Battle series compared to the Tactics Ogre series. 

I'd highly reccomend it though.  March of the Black Queen can be found on SNES and PS1.  Well and the illegal stuff i frown opon.

Alternativly there is Ogre Batle 64.  On the 64.  Which takes place at about the exact same time Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together does elsewhere.

The timeline I believe goes.

Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen

Tactics Ogre: LOCT = Ogre Battle 64