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I really wish Jerry would chill out on this insane hype thing.

The game is not even out yet! How can you think something or other of a character of a game you haven't even played! All you know about her is what she looks like and bits and pieces about her back story and you think that's enough to judge?

Cloud is not actually that popular. Not the original one anyway. Emo-Cloud (the one from AC, KH and Crisis Core) is praised (and hated) all over the internet , but the original devoid of personality, giant sword weilding, spiky haired, elfish-like creature from the original game is actually hardly ever talked about.

As for your question, well... define popular. The game could sell more than 15 million and there still wouldn't be as much fan fiction about it on the internet as there is for Emo-Cloud.

I really doubt there's anything emo about FFXIII. There's a dude with an afro and a mini chocobo pet. How ridiculous would it be to see that character moping around?

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!