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dirkd2323 said:
Yes , Sony will continue to dominate in every way. Its been shown Sony has the best gaming experience for the money this gen. In my opinion and many others the best game lineup there is with , God of War 3 , Killzone 3 , res 3 , MAG , Heavy Rain , GT5 , Infamous 2 , Twisted Medal, Just to name a few true Exclusives. The PS3 also has the best graphics and sound, with Bluray is a solid winner. Free online play, which is big. PSN is now just as good as XBL, I know I play on both, now just PSN, not paying 60 bucks for a game then 60 bucks a month for my comcast, then to have to pay to play online, crazy. Sony will stay ontop. WATCH

After the Zune Marketplace update and Last.FM, and plus the fact that most of the heavy gamers I know are on Live rather than PSN, I'm still very much willing to pay the $40-$50 a year for Live.  It's a good service that keeps getting better little by little.  The video service used to be a real sticking point for me until they went to instant streaming 1080p, which is FINALLY a solution to the 360 not having a BluRay drive.  It quite literally rivals the video quality of BluRay.  There is no visible evidence (at least not on my TV) of any kind of compression or pixelation, even when you get up close to the screen and my streaming does not stutter, pause, or switch resolutions at all.  It's smooth as silk. Facebook and Twitter are mildly interesting on the 360, but not very useful.  Last.FM is definitely a plus.  And the library is definitely there as it always has been.  HOWEVER---

PSN is pretty awesome too.  I'm honestly not very well informed on whether or not their video service is instant streaming because I've never tried it, so I don't know if there's a comparison there or not.  But the whole reason I got a Netflix account was because my 360 had instant streaming first.  When I got my PS3, I converted my Netflix account over to BluRay and now I use my subscription mostly to watch movies on my PS3, not my 360.  Also, you can't deny the cost of entry to PSN--it's free.  If you want an all in one box that won't nickel and dime you to death to take advantage of all the things modern gaming has to offer, PS3 is the way to go.  Everything is right there in the box for you.  All you need is an internet connection and a power source.  

So what it comes down to is the games.  And the price drop to $299 along with the hardware redesign turned me instantly from someone who didn't give a crap about the PS3 into someone who couldn't wait to pre-order one.  Once the $299 slim model became a reality, I changed my tune instantly.  I wanted one of these things.  And I have to say, for the short amount of time I've had this machine, it's really winning me over in the game library department.  Uncharted 2 was the best game I played this year and probably in the top 5 of my favorite games of all time, perhaps only falling second to Half Life 2.  Demon's Souls has totally captured my heart.  Little Big Planet is a blast.  With the exception of recent Modern Warfare 2 binges on my 360, the PS3 has gotten a lot more of my play time in the second half of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 for the PS3 is going to be INSANE.   

I still have a lot of friends who have not yet jumped into the HD generation and are all thinking about getting consoles soon.  At the end of the day, it's really hard not to recommend the PS3 over the 360 right now considering what you get packaged right into the box.  For this reason, I think the PS3 is going to get on a very big roll this holiday season and in the months to come as it has the slight edge in features, cost, and upcoming releases.  However, I am now 100% in love with both boxes, so it always comes down to the question of "What games do you want to play?"