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Hello, I know most of the guys and girls here at VGChartz love making predictions, so do I. I see various predictions all over the place and thought to myself: well, it's very nice to see hundreds of predictions scattered across the forum, but I barely see the results of such predictions, or I have to look real hard to find who predicted what and what come of it. That's why I'm making this thread. You can post your prediction in here and when the results are in, you edit your post giving the outcome of the prediction you made. Let me start:


Super Mario Galaxy will sell 2 million copies in the U.S. 'till December 31st.


PS3 will outsell Xbox360 worldwide for December 2007.


DS will have bigger overall sales in Japan then ps2 by the end of march 2007.


Mario galaxy will be December’s biggest seller worldwide. (tough guess)



Now when the data comes in I will edit this post and add the information to see where my prediction stands. Please do not troll, keep the thread clean. Thanks.

Think for yourself, question authority